Daily Love Reading – Trust Worthy Guidance

trust worthy guidance

Trustworthy Guidance
You’ve received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea.

The Angels are asking you to trust the guidance you are receiving over any situation, the guidance received can come through as an idea to help move you along or make some changes in your life. You are being divinely guided and you need not worry about the details of how to do it. By following the guidance other things will just fall into place to show the path to take.

When asking for guidance from you Angels… to help you hear their voices clearer, do it during a sacred time with yourself, where by you can be alone and at peace, take time to relax your body and mind first, listen to some beautiful music or meditate to get you in the right zone and when you feel ready Ask. The first thought that usually comes into your mind is the answer……. write it down so not to forget it and then take some time to just dwell on it and see what else comes through upon the reflection and write that down too and keep going until you feel that you got what needed to hear.

The messages the Angels bring always come from love and light and for the highest good of all, if anything comes through that is fear based in anyway, shape or form, this is not your angels speaking, this is your ego, so to help gently move that aside … you can Ask your Angels to clear away the fear based ego so that you can hear their voices instead.

You will be amazed how clear the messages will be. If you get a feelings of upliftment, love happiness and/or inner knowing of truth this you Angeles talking to you.

Angel Blessings, Love and Light

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All readings are provided for general guidance only.  Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal counsel if required.  Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.