Daily Love Reading – Admit The Truth To Yourself

Admit the Truth to Yourself and Act Accordingly

Admit the Truth to Yourself and Act Accordingly

You’ve received this card because there’s an important feeling that you’ve been trying to ignore. Yet try as you might to push it aside, this feeling urges you to be honest with yourself. Archangel Michael says that facing this truth will be healing, and it will give you the direction and guidance you seek.
You’ve tried to disregard your inner urging because you’re worried about making life changes. Archangel Michael reassures you that he’s guiding you and making sure that your needs are met and your relationships stay healthy.
Possible specific meanings: Heal or leave an unhealthy situation. Don’t compromise. Face your fears. Hold loving thoughts about yourself (and others) and this situation
Prayer: I appreciate your support in helping me face my feelings with grace and acceptance so that I can be lovingly honest with myself and others. Thank you, Archangel Michael, for giving me courage and strength.

Angel Blessings, Love and Light


Reading from the Archangel Michael Oracle Deck

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All readings are provided for general guidance only.  Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal counsel if required.  Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.