Change In Direction

change-in-directionChange in Direction
‘The changes you’ve been experiencing are Divinely directed by your newborn willingness to open your heart to love and our guidance. You are protected now and in the future, so follow your path to the happy outcomes you deserve.

This card signifies that you’ve may have had a change of heart that has altered the direction of your life in a positive way. Your old ways of living no longer interest you, and you find yourself avoiding friends and pastimes that previously attracted you. You desire a lifestyle and career that will better fit your new interests and passions. The angles are guiding you through this time of transition. The Law of Attraction insures that you’ll manifest wonderful new opportunities and relationships.

Other meanings: Stay open and positive to new opportunities and keep your focus on what you do want and not what you don’t want. You’re starting a new phase of your life. The birth of a new project is in the works.Pregnancy, birth, or the adoption of a child is possible. A new element in your like is a blessing, even if it doesn’t make sense right now.

Angel Blessings, Love and Light

Reading from the Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle by Doreen Virtue


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