Answered Prayer

answered prayer

Answered Prayer

Fear not, beloved one!  Your prayers have been heard and answered.

All of your prayers are always answered.  Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways.  Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears – or a book falls off the shelf.  The angels answer our prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.

By drawing this card, the angels request that you be extra observant.  Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel.  Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help.  You do deserve this assistance, and many times God enlists people to act as Earth angels who bring you answers to your prayers.

Angel Blessings, Love and Light

 Reading from Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue 

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All readings are provided for general guidance only.  Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal counsel if required.  Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.